Sunday, October 25, 2009

Don't You Think It's Time?

"Hey Beautiful! Can I have your phone number?" "Girl, your feet must be tired, because you've been running through my mind all day." "Excuse me sir, I think you dropped this." "Boy, I can make you the happiest man alive!" Etc. Etc. Etc.

All of these cliche-ish pick-up lines have been heard by pretty much everyone you know, including yourself. The funny thing about this known fact is; We as human beings STILL fall for them! (LOL) Why? You may ask because I, too, ponder the thought. While I will never profess to have a PHD in Relationship Expertism; I have had enough 'time in' one to be able to give you my unbiased opinion.

This thought came to me while I was preparing for church. I stood at my vanity and a dear friend crossed my mind. Well actually, it was a chain reaction. When I thought of her, others followed and I came to the conclusion or should I say, 'Question' asking; 'Don't you think it's time?'

Okay, let me back up and give you my reason for asking this so you will understand where I am coming from. I have witnessed several people, but women in general; myself included, who have fallen for the pick-up lines from the past; only to be left wondering where the person you fell for is. In the beginning (the moments after the introduction), all seems well. You talk frequently. You may even go out on several dates. The inevitable happens. And contrary to popular belief, everything is still ok. Now, after the repetitious cycle of conversations, dates, sex, etc., something happens. Well actually; the something that happens is nothing. The phone calls either decrease or stop. The dates are fewer and farther apart. And the sex, whatever kind it is; happens on a 'need it' basis(as if the other person were some sort of commodity). The problem I find with this type of setup is; one of the persons are left wondering, "Why? What happened? Is there something wrong with me? Etc. Or one may even ask themselves, "Why and how did I allow this to happen to me again?" (Now that 'again' word we won't get into because that is a whole 'nother issue where self-esteem is the root.) So... I will return to my question.

"Don't You Think It's Time?" (Time to do what? You may ask.)

It's time for a change! It's time for you to realize that in order for you to be happy in any relationship, you must set and know the bounderies IN THE BEGINNING. If the beginning has already passed for you, you have to pick up from where you are now, face the direction you intend to go and and head there! If you don't, you will always be stuck wondering. So...I ask you again; Don't you think it's leave him or her alone? They have already left you. Whether it is emotionally or physically. And please don't get me started on if another woman/man is involved. You already know It's Time! Past Time! To do something different. Something Better! Like...per se...Love yourself enough? Enough to let go? Enough to live? Enough to be happy? Enough to know that you deserve better? Enough is Enough! It's time out for you feeling like you are inadequate because someone else doesn't know your worth! How could they if You don't? I'll stop for now and at the risk of redundancy, I will ask you one more time....

Don't you think it's time? I KNOW I DO!

~A. Life...

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