Friday, December 25, 2009


"I don't need glasses but I can't see. My visibility has decreased to almost zero. I wasn't born this way. God just figured my life would be better if I depended on Him for everything; my sight included. I continually ask Him, "Why?" but He never answers me because I already know the answer. So let me tell you a story about a blind little girl who grew up to be a woman that forgot she couldn't see."

...Bullets flying through windows and drug deals gone bad was a constant in my neighborhood. I walked home with my sister from the bus stop everyday. I was blind, but I made it without any assistance; I thought. I was carefree and lived a pretty normal life from my perspective. Although I didn't have everything I wanted, I certainly never went without anything; except my sight. I don't think anybody really knew I was blind. In fact, I didn't even know. But God knew. He not only allowed it but I believe He, in a sense, caused or created it. He didn't want me to see what many people saw. So He placed a protective film over my eyes, rendering me a blind little girl...

...I am older now. In fact, I am an adult with limited visibility. There was a time when I could see a lot clearer but I messed that up. I used my sight for evil and not good. I looked at others as if they were visible obstructions on my journey. If there was something I wanted, I went after it; no questions asked. Nothing could stop me because I could see! I didn't need anybody, I thought. I had no use for the assistance of another person, place, or thing. The problem occurred when I thought my sight was the thing that led my steps; only to find out that my path was set and my steps were ordered... By God's sight, not mine.

"...But I still can't see. God what is up with that?" He still won't give me an answer. He just says, "YOU KNOW WHY." "Ugh! Come on Jesus! You know I need to see! I can't see where I'm going without my sight! Please Help Me! Didn't you promise to be there for me, to lead me, and to guide me?" "AND I'VE KEPT MY PROMISE." "You have?" TRUST ME, I'VE KEPT MY PROMISE. HAVE YOU KEPT YOURS?" 'But how have you kept your promise', is what I wanted to ask Him because I didn't feel the need to start recounting how many times I broke mine. Shoot! Jesus show' know how to shift the blame huh? (LOL) Okay, let's do this Jesus. Since you took my sight, give me back my mind and let me think on those things... Hmmm...(He spoke through my memory.)

"When you were little girl, it's not that you couldn't see the drugs, the violence, or the abuse, I just blinded your eyes so it wouldn't effect you as much as it did others. I wanted you to grow up believing that you could be or do anything. And for the most part, you have succeeded. But you still have a ways to go." (I open my mouth to speak.) Let me finish before you ask me another question. Do you remember those times when all seemed well at first, and then suddenly, everything somehow took a turn for the worst? (I nod.) Well, the reason that happened was because you called yourself going to get some 'glasses' so you could see better. You picked out the frames and waited patiently for your new eyes. They worked for a while but stopped. Didn't they? (I tearfully nod again.) Well I think you know where I'm going with this, but to make 100% certain, I'll refresh your memory once more. ('Okay,' I whisper.) Do you remember when you were driving in the snow and ice storm and your wipers broke? (My tears bore witness) You questioned how you were going to make it home and for a moment, you didn't believe you would. Naturally, you shouldn't have made it, but you already know we deal with the spirit! Your windshield was 98% covered in ice and no matter how hard you tried to stop and scrape it off at each intersection, the wind blew more ice. You began to cry which further limited your visibility. Then finally..., you put your trust where it should've been all along. You put your trust in me! You took off your 'glasses' and you allowed me to see for you. You got home didn't you? (Again I nod.)Without your eyes but with mine. So...truthfully, you do realize that every time you put your 'glasses' on, thinking that you can do it without me, you will always get to the point when you need to take them off and use my eyes! The storms will come and the winds will blow; limiting or diminishing your visibility; but if your trust remains in me, I'll take care of everything for you by being your eyes with which to see!"
"Thank You Father, That I Can't See! The ice of life has frozen solid over my window but I'd rather put my trust in You because I've realized; I see a whole lot better with Your EYES."

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